Gylan® Extra

Indications for use

  • or moisturizing the anterior surface of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva) in “dry eye” syndrome;

  • to eliminate the feeling of dry eyes, "sand" in the eyes, with burning, lacrimation, redness, itching, fatigue, "office" syndrome, as well as the feeling of a foreign body in the eye, fatigue, after various eye diseases, especially after conjunctivitis and keratitis of various etiologies;

  • in the complex treatment of chronic blepharitis causing “dry eye” syndrome;

  • to eliminate dry eyes in cases of systematic and prolonged use of medications;

  • for complex treatment of dry eyes in cases of constant use of cosmetic products, as well as after plastic surgeries on the face;

  • for moisturizing the anterior surface of the eye after ophthalmic surgical operations, including after refractive interventions, as well as in case of minor corneal damage as part of complex therapy;

  • to eliminate discomfort when wearing hard and soft contact lenses, as well as for the prevention of “dry eye” syndrome during contact lens correction;

  • for prevention and complex treatment of corneal-conjunctival xerosis at deterioration of ecological situation and environmental pollution, and long-term visual loads;

  • in Sjögren's syndrome.

Application area

Rewetting eye drops


Sodium hyaluronate, trehalose

OSD bottle

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